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Transition 2024-25

Home visits will take place from 3rd-14th June 2024. These will take place between 9-11.30am and 1-2.30pm. 2 members of staff would like to visit your child within their own home.

Please see the Home visit policy below for more information. 

  • 'Stay and Play' sessions for children to attend with their parents. These will be on Tuesday 25th June and Wednesday 26th June at 1.45-2.30pm. Your child will be invited to one of these sessions only.
  • 'Part -time starts' where the children will attend one morning session without their parents. These sessions are on: 27th, 28th and 29th August. 

Information about transition and start dates will be explained to parents/carers in more detail once pre-school places have been confirmed. 

Please see below 

  • The home visit form used when staff attend the home visits. 
  • The Pre-School handbook for parents. This handbook contains important information about uniform, toileting, staff members, Tapestry, reporting absences etc. 
  • A guide to toilet training: it is essential that children are toilet trained when they start at our preschool.