Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 and to Key Stage 2!
We will be updating this page weekly to let you know what we have coming up the following week. We will also add any other key news.
Mrs Santy and Mrs Bowe's class, please come in uniform on a Monday and bring a PE kit.
Tuesday - both classes come in outdoor PE kit and wear it all day.
Miss Holland's class are swimming on a Monday.
Curriculum Evening
Please click here to access our slides from Curriculum evening
All children are expected to read at least 3 times a week at home to an adult and have their diary signed.
They can change their reading book whenever they would like to, just bring it to one of the adults in the classroom. We monitor all reading at home on a weekly basis and award house points for consistent reading at home. Please ensure children bring their reading book and diary to school on a daily basis. Thank you.
We work on reading comprehension in class during a weekly 'VIPERS' session. The children read a piece of text and then answer a range of comprehension questions in sentences based on what they have read.
Here is an example and the meaning of 'VIPERS' questions below.
Our PE days are: Tuesdays (outdoor) and Mondays (indoor). Please ensure named PE kit is in school for these sessions.
Children can come to school in their outdoor PE kit on a Tuesday as we will be doing outdoor PE first thing. They can remain in this for the rest of the day.
Please ensure girls have a pair of socks in their PE bags, especially for when they are wearing tights.
A carrier bag for wet/muddy trainers is also useful inside a PE bag.
Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Any homework sheets can be taken home and brought back to school using the homework folder.
Pencil case
Children may wish to bring in one named pencil case. Some things they might like to include are: pencil, rubber, sharpener, coloured pen (any) for when we self mark our work, Pritt Stick, small ruler and a few colouring pencils. Of course, all of these things are provided by school anyway, some children just like to bring their own. Please name each item to avoid anything getting lost. Thank you.
At some point in Year 3 or 4, children will be awarded their pen licence and will be able to write in a pen. We are looking for consistent joined, neat handwriting.
We will conduct our weekly spelling sessions on a Friday. Children will bring home a list of spellings to learn and spelling related homework which will be due in and tested the following Friday.
The Year 1 and 2 common exception words that all children should know how to spell by Year 3 can be found in the link below.
Year 1 and 2 common exception words
The Year 3 and 4 common exception words are words that we will be learning this year and next year.
Year 3 and 4 common exception words
Dance Mat Typing
This is a fantastic resource to improve your typing skills. You can practise at home, but you will need a keyboard for this (either on a laptop/desktop computer or a wireless one connected to a tablet).
Computing KS2 - Dance Mat Typing - BBC Bitesize
Year 3 Long term plan
Click here to open an overview of the year
Year 3 general information
Times tables
We encourage all children to practise their tables at home via Times Tables Rock Stars. We organise weekly tournaments between the classes.
In Year 4, the children will complete a times tables test. They need to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12 and answer them as quickly as possible (ideally quicker than 6 seconds).
Snacks and water bottles
Please ensure your child has a snack and water bottle in school daily. Key stage 2 children no longer receive funded fruit. Please name snack boxes and water bottles. Thank you.
We also look forward to sharing with you what we have been up to in the classroom. Look out for tweets from Year 3 on the Woodland Grange Twitter feed.
We look forward to teaching your children our exciting and creative curriculum.
Our work
We will upload some pictures of our learning onto here.