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Year 4

    Leicestershire Libraries have launched their Summer Reading Challenge for 2024. This year is all about getting CREATIVE. Music, junk-modelling, photography, dancing, story-writing...the possibilities are endless. The Challenge is for children aged 4-12 (although there is a mini Under-4s Challenge too!). Join the Marvellous Makers in Leicestershire Libraries from 6 July to 7 September.

  • Go to your library this summer to sign up and get your Marvellous Makers collector’s foldout poster!
  • Read books and collect stickers and other rewards for your reading (watch out for the smelly stickers!)
  • In Leicestershire Libraries, we encourage children to read 6 books and visit their local library 3 times. At the end, you will receive a certificate with your name on and a medal. Remember, you can read ANYTHING.
  • Reading together counts too. It could be a chapter book, picture book, comic, graphic novel, fact book, eBook or audiobook.

There are events on at local libraries throughout the summer too.

For more information click here.

Year 4!


Welcome to our Year 4 page. We will keep this page updated with key news and information about our curriculum.

Core notices:

Any notices that are urgent or really important we will display here each week. 

-Ukuleles first session will be Monday September 30th

-Mr Healey's swimming group will have their last session on 23rd September, Miss Smyton's class will have their first session swimming on Monday 30th September

-Please check you have received the email regarding our Lunt Fort trip. Any questions or queries see either Mr Healey or Miss Smyton after school. 

-Curriculum evening is provisionally booked for Thursday evening 19th September, more details will follow in parent mail. 


Key Documents

Overview of year- click

If you missed the curriculum evening, please have a look through the ppt by clicking here. Feel free to arrange a chat if there is anything you wish to discuss further. 


Below is an overview of the core spellings we learn this year:

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Spring Term 2

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2

PE and Swimming:

Our day for indoor PE is Tuesday afternoon. On this day, children can come to school in their PE kit. During the Autumn term, children will be taken swimming in blocks of 4 weeks to assess their skills and find out who may need extra sessions later in the year and in year 5. Mr Healey/ Mr Parker's class will be going first for 4 weeks (commencing the second week back), followed by Miss Smyton's class for the 4 weeks after. During the block where a class is going swimming there will be no indoor PE those weeks for that class as swimming will take its place. Swimming will always be a Monday afternoon regardless of which class is going. There will be a separate letter which goes home about swimming.  

Our day for outdoor PE is Friday. On this day, children can also come to school wearing their outdoor PE kit and remain in their kit for the day.

Homework and Spellings

Homework will be set on a Monday and will be due in on the following Monday.

Spellings will also be set on a Monday and will be tested on the following Monday. 

Reading Diaries

Children are encouraged to read at least three times a week with an adult. Teachers will check reading diaries weekly in order to check that children are reading regularly. Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday and those reading 3x or more with an adult at home each week will be entered into a reading raffle for small prizes.

Times tables practise 

We encourage weekly practise of timetables. There are regular tournaments and challenges which we set the children through the Times Tables Rockstars website -Times Tables Rock Stars ( should be familiar with this from year 3, but we will provide new log ins/ passwords to those who have lost or forgotten them. Teachers can use this website to set individualised timetables for each child to practise based on their performance in weekly class assessments. 

R.E. and P.S.H.E

Over the course of the year we will develop a deeper understanding of the different faiths (see the long term plan, under curriculum for more information). We will be organising a visit to a Mandir in the Spring term. In P.S.H.E. lessons, children will be covering topics regarding staying safe in the wider world and dealing with increased responsibility as they get older.


It is really important that every child has a pair of indoor shoes that they are able to change into when in the classroom. As we get further into the term and the weather changes, the playground and outdoor spaces will become much wetter and muddier. Having a pair of indoor shoes will ensure that the classrooms stay clean and comfortable environments for the children to learn in.

Week beginning:



In our Literacy lessons this week, we will be working on a unit that is based upon a short film called, 'Soar'. Last week, the children watched and discussed the film and then made notes and observations about teh appearance and personality of the main character. This week, children will consolidate their notes and use them to write a brief character description, including adjectives to add detail.

In their grammar lesson, children will be introduced to fronted adverbials, specifically fronted adverbials of place. These will provide children with more options for sentence openers when writing.

Monday 9th September 


This week, we are starting our new book based unit on 'The Iron Man' (Ted Hughes)

This week we are going to focus on how the author builds suspense through rhetorical questions and repetitive phrases. 

As the week progresses, the children will rewrite the opening to the story incorporating these skills.  


This week, children will learn mental arithmatic methods for finding: 1 more/ less, 10 more/ less and 100 more/ less. 

They will look at values on a number line up to 10,000.

They will also learn how to estimate values on a number line.


As part of our digestion unit, children will be introduced to the different types of teeth and their purposes (incisors, canines and molars).


This week, we will develop our understanding of the challenges the Romans faced in their initial invasions of Britain. We will be doing a lot of comparative work looking at the Romans and Celts. 


Children will learn the purpose of a router and how we are connected by the internet across the country and globe. 


We will continue to look at sketching techniques, this time exploring how we can build depth. 


Thinking positively and techniques of how to boost mood

RE: Trinity in Christianity 

Monday 2nd September


In our Literacy lessons this week, we will be working on a unit that is based upon a short film called, 'Soar'. Last week, the children watched and discussed the film and then made notes and observations about the appearance and personality of the main character. This week, children will consolidate their notes and use them to write a brief character description, including adjectives to add detail.

In their grammar lesson, children will be introduced to fronted adverbials, specifically fronted adverbials of place. These will provide children with more options for sentence openers when writing.


This week, we will be continuing our unit on place value. We will begin the week by focusing on number lines up to the value of 1,000. We will then progress the children's knowledge of partitioning numbers up to 10,000 by focusing on flexible partitioning. 

We will also complete a baseline times tables assessment with the children to give us an idea of where individual children are working.





History: In our history lesson this week, we will begin to look at the Roman invasions of Britain by placing the key invasion dates on a timeline.

ICT: We will introduce the children to what is meant by a network, which will be the first lesson in our unit on, 'The Internet'.

Science: We will be continuing our topic on the digestive system by beginning to look in more detail at the functions of the different organs involved.

Art: We will begin to look at sketching techniques (final piece will be a sketch of a Roman face). 

PE: Indoor PE: Dance

Outdoor PE: Tennis

PHSE: Thinking positively



Take a look at our curriculum in action.



We had an amazing Roman day at Lunt Fort. We learnt about the life of a Roman Legionary and even had a go at different shield formations.

Making Roman heads of Caesar and sketching faces.