Online Safety
We have recently completed an online safety survey with pupils at school about their online habits outside of school. The results will help us direct our teaching and shape our online safety curriculum. You can view the results by clicking on the link below.
For our children the online world is part of their everyday life. Whether they are playing games, uploading or watching content or messaging on social media platforms it is now the norm that children will have an 'online' life.
With each new app or game comes associated risks. Technology is constantly changing, being updated and rewritten. Our homes are full of digital devices, AI speakers (e.g. Alexa), mobile phones, connected devices in the kitchen, games consoles the list is getting longer.
Our job is to make sure that our children and young people are equipped with the knowledge and awareness of risks and dangers for the online world. It is our collective responsibility to better equip them for a digital world. We all have a responsibility to keep children and young people safe when they are online. Everyone has a part to play.
You can report harmful content online by clicking on this button:
Did you know that you can report harmful content when you are online? The UK Safer Internet Centre has developed this tool to allow children and young people report anything that they feel is harmful when online. For anyone under the age of 13, a report would need to be completed by a parents or guardian. Click on the link and follow the prompts to make your report. |
At Woodland Grange we are committed to discussing these serious issues as part of our e-safety curriculum, but we can only be successful if we work in partnership: pupils, parents and teachers.
Many thanks to everyone that attended our online safety parents session. The presentation can be found here.
At Woodland Grange we support the annual Safer Internet Day (a global event hosted in this country by the UK Safer Internet Centre). The next Safer Internet Day will take place on the 6th of February 2024. The theme is:
‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’
To find out more about SID 2024, click here.
Links & information
Click on the logos for more information:
The UK Safer Internet Centre has a mission: to promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people. They have lots of advice for parents and carers and are the organisers for Safer Internet Day in the UK. | |
O2 have information and resources on their site. These are designed to help parents have more regular conversations with their children about online safety – enabling more families to enjoy the digital world with confidence. | |
Childnet works in partnership with the YK Safer Internet Centre. Their site has a section for parents and carers which includes up-to-date advice and information. | |
The NSPCC has help and advice on their dedicated e-safety website including online safety guides for everything from livestreaming to online gaming. | |
National Online Safety (now under the control of the National College) is a source of reference for schools and families. We are sending home posters to support families in discussing online risks with their children. Some of these are: |
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) is the place to go if you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online. |
Online safety newsletters
Knowsley City Learning Centre have put together a monthly online safety newsletter which we will send out to families. Copies of each newsletter can be found below:
Online safety guides
We will be sending out e-safety guides from The National College as part of their #WakeUpWednesdays. You can find all previous guides by clicking here or search for 'Wake up Wednesday'.